Wide Usability of Care Packs in Singapore Makes Them Winners

 Threatened by one of the worst pandemics in centuries, perhaps worse than the Spanish flu; the world is having to adjust to a new normal. The first world war killed more than 20 million people worldwide. The Spanish flu, which was one of the earliest manifestations of H1N1, spread over three years - 1918-1920  - to decimate the population of the world by almost one-third. Despite the greatest advances in medicine since then, the novel coronavirus, better known as COVID-19, has eluded identification of the source, causes, and treatment, though many informed guesses have been made. Most treatment regimens are experiential, meaning that outcomes can vary wildly in patients, especially those with co-morbidities.

Protect Yourself

Given that the COVID-19 infection spreads mostly through touching infected surfaces, and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes, the best way to protect yourself from being infected is to wear a mask covering your mouth and nose. This ensures that the airborne droplets containing the novel coronavirus do not enter your nose or mouth. There are several kinds of masks available, ranging from the use and throw to the reusable ones. The best ones are the KN95 masks which are not only reusable but permit easy breathing.

Get Your Gifts Delivered Anywhere

We deliver customised masks in Singapore to different places around the globe. So, if you have been considering sending your business associates, clients, or colleagues gifts to demonstrate your solidarity in trying times; dispatching boxes of customised masks is a sound idea. Unless your recipients are in a high-risk area, you can send protective masks, rather than surgical ones. The difference is in the weave of the middle layer. In surgical masks, the middle layer has a tighter weave to keep even fine particles out. For those who are allergic to synthetic materials, you can always choose cotton masks lined with a filter.

It Isn’t Necessary to Splurge a Fortune to Demonstrate How Much You Care

If costs are a constraint for you, remember that the care packs we put together can be adjusted to your needs and budget. Choose how many disposable masks; whether you want to add a foldable mask holder or hard case mask holder; alcohol wet wipes; the size of the bottle of sanitizer - 60 ml or 50 ml; lozenges; even which health supplements you might want to add to the list. It is the thought, and not your budget, which counts. Moreover, every care pack has wide usability which makes it a winner every time.
