Gifts Are a Time-Honored Tradition

The practice of giving gifts at certain times of the year, and on special occasions dates back to time immemorial. In the present day, a gift says what you often can’t verbalize, or which can be taken a miss or misinterpreted if spoken. Your gift indirectly says, you care for the recipient, and value the relationship - feelings which put into words would cast you in a weird light, especially in a corporate setting. Unless you are in the fashion industry, or in showbiz, it is considered bad form to offer personal gifts like perfumes, and swanky clothes as corporate gifts.

Let Your Gift Do the Talking

Whatever be the industry you operate in, one of the most unexceptionable gifts would be customized pens from Singapore. Pens are handy things which most people need despite the preponderance of electronic gadgets on which you do the bulk of writing. From jotting a quick reminder on a stick-it note for the kids to signing checks to noting an address or phone number, you need a pen more often than you realize. And, of course when you want a celebrity autograph, it’s the good old pen you need. So, at a promotional event, a trade fair, a workshop, or a conference, order customized pens in the corporate colors, or in colors which complement the theme of the event.

Customized pens can be cost-effective: Depending on the number you need to order, you will get the right kind of pen for every budget. At a high profile event, you would want to give executive pens with your company’s name embossed on them. At a trade fair, if you are giving every visitor a pen, you can choose from a range of promotional pens including the environment friendly pens.

A Perfect Gift at a Seminar

At a seminar, where you expect many subject matter experts to participate as speakers and as guests, it is the customized notebook from Singapore which are a must have. People like to take notes while listening to speakers, both as aide memoire, and to note queries which pop in their minds while listening. You can choose from the O-ring bound notebook to the saddle stitched to the ones with the perfect binding in accordance with your budget, and the intended recipients’ profile. You can choose the number of pages it will have, the kind of cover you have, and the color of the paper. Get the name of the event, date, and the name of your organization printed on the cover in attractive colors and fonts to make it remembered forever.
