Make Sure That Everyone Comes Away Happy

The key to felicitous gift-giving is to make the other person feel valued. When you keep in mind their personal preferences, you’re ensuring that it will be a hit. Some rules of thumb are to match gifts to age, sex, utility, and the occasion. If you give trinkets at a coming of age party to a mixed set of guests, they had better be the universal utility kind. A delicate filigree bracelet would leave a middle-aged gentleman wondering what to do with it. An antique silver ring would annoy a teenager.

Match Gifts to Recipients  

You’ve now got the picture of how the best intentions could leave the recipient at best bewildered, at worst ruffled. Usually, door gifts are given as a token of “thank you for attending/ your wishes”. Therefore, here are some door gifts ideas to make your guests happy. Depending on the whether it is a wedding, a bridal shower, baby shower, birthday, or to celebrate a major personal or professional milestone; your door gifts could range from small hampers full of assorted cosmetics or toiletry or even specially shaped chocolates - chocolates remain a universal favorite cutting across age and sex; gift cards; reticules; books; candles; and even cheese.

Wind chimes, brass knockers, vases, personalized coffee mugs or glasses, sunshades, wristbands, fridge magnets, and tech stuff like headphones, DVDs, and power banks have universal appeal. Dry fruits and nut assortments for the health conscious; perfumes (some come in very affordable tiny bottles); and vintage coins are some of your other options.

Your Gift Could Be Your Message

Sometimes, your gift says what you mayn’t have verbalized. From thanks to apologies to reminding someone how much they mean to you; your Singapore corporate gifts can say it all. The trick is in making an appropriate choice. Even a simple, yet well-chosen keyring for someone who has just bought a home or a vehicle would offer the congratulations you want to offer. Flowers, an ornament to decorate a wall or shelf, handmade cards, a photo frame with a collage of your best pictures together (for a close friend or spouse or betrothed) give your gift a personal touch.

Some other gifts which can be given regardless of the relationship (personal or professional) or occasion are pens, bookmarks, tote bags, moleskin notebooks, water bottle, vacuum flasks, and shoe bags. If you personalize them, your receivers will appreciate the time and thought you gave to your gift-giving.
