Make Your Gifts Impressive Without Being Glitzy

Consider the Occasion
The occasion makes the difference as it will decide how many recipients there will be, as well as what your budget should be. At the higher end your corporate gifts could be items like laptops, executive bags, and crystal ware - as long as your annual turnover supports it, and the expected ROI justifies it. When your main purpose is building brand awareness, customizing your gifts can be fruitful. Your corporate gifts suppliers should be able to advise you as they know just where to source unusual stuff at reasonable prices.
Give them adequate time to order/purchase the items to ensure that all the favors you’ve planned arrive at the appointed hour, not later. This is especially true when you need to order large numbers of gifts as during the festive season. And, before you order anything, consider it from the perspective of the receiver.
Play on Your Recipients’ Competitive Spirit
Ask yourself how the gift will build and strengthen your relationship with your associates, customers, and suppliers, or how it would make your business soar. Do you want to bestow gifts on only one set of people to the exclusion of others? Under certain circumstances, that would make sense. Suppose you want to build a more robust distribution network, distributing gifts to the top dealers who brought in the most orders would encourage them to work harder. Those who didn’t qualify might strive to win them next year, thereby boosting your overall turnover.
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